General Rules These rules shall cover all classes of pullers unless specifically noted. 1. All vehicles covered in this rulebook shall be radio controlled 1/10 scale cars, trucks or tractors and will have a body to resemble a car, truck, tractor, or full-size vehicles. Vehicles must run in classes according to their factory production vehicle classification, i.e. 2wd factory production vehicle runs in 2wd classes, 4wd factory production vehicle runs in 4wd classes. The following classes are limited to run factory production vehicles only: Stock, Super Stock, and Modified. 2wd and 4wd classes compete separately. Specifications for both 2wd and 4wd in each class appear on their respective pages of this rulebook. Differentials may be locked, and ball bearings are acceptable in all classes. 2. All classes are subject to any combination of pre and post competition inspection with weigh in. Each vehicle must pass through tech and if found to be illegal, that vehicle is disqualified for that round. 3. (Track Official Inspection) Vehicle may be inspected at any time by the head track official if suspected of a violation. Anyone refusing to submit vehicle in question for inspection will be disqualified from event and forfeit entry fees. The ruling of the head track official is FINAL. 4. Ties will be broken by adding weight to the sled and re-pulling. Batteries may be recharged. 5. There cannot be a protest against the Head Track official or their staff. The decisions of the Head Track Official or Pull Director are final and cannot be overruled. 6. Any participant may request an inspection of a vehicle in his/her class but ONLY if suspected of a rule violation. Participant must register a written complaint with the Pulling Director along with a $30.00 protest fee in cash. The owner of the vehicle in question will be notified of the complaint by the Pull Director. At that time the vehicle will be placed in impound. If disassembly is required, the owner will do any disassembly of their vehicle under the supervision of the Pull Director. If the vehicle in question is found to be legal, the owner of the vehicle will receive the protest fee. If the vehicle in question is found to be illegal the protest fee will be returned to the person filing the protest and the vehicle would be disqualified from the event and the owner would forfeit the entry fees. The decision of the Pull Director is final. 7. No metal or fiber spikes, tire chains, or foreign material to be attached in any matter to or injected into tires. Liquid or chemical tire compounds are not permitted in any class. 8. All weights must be firmly attached. External weights must be of scale appearance and proportionate to that vehicle size (EXCEPT FOR STOCK MONSTER CLASS). Weights may not extend more than ½ inch past either edge (width) of the body (EXCEPT FOR STOCK MONSTER CLASS). Vehicles using a scale tractor body may exceed the width limit, but no weights are to exceed the vehicle's width. Weights may not exceed 3 inches in height. Weight bar and/or weights must have a minimum of ¼ inch clearance when set on a table. All four wheels must contact the table surface. All batteries, motors and non-scale appearing weights must be located under the body of the vehicle. The body may be cut to allow for the wheel openings, exhaust, starter drive access and for clearance of oversized motor housings. Custom work is allowed. Unless it is listed differently in the class rules all dimensions include all of the vehicle components as it is to be competed with. 9. Any production R/C vehicle shall be reviewed by the Pull Director officers and approved for a particular class based on their review. 10. Experimental vehicles not specifically addressed by this rulebook are permitted to compete as exhibition only. The decision to allow these vehicles to compete in their own class is left up to the Pull Director. 11. No automatic transmissions or transmissions that shift while in motion are allowed. Except where stated in class rules. 12. There will be no verbal or physical abuse directed towards any track officials, tech staff. There will be no verbal or physical abuse directed towards any competitor by any officials or other competitors. No alcohol or drugs are allowed in the event area during competition hours. Anyone found to be soliciting drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave. You will be disqualified from the event without refund. 13. All cooling devices must be fully enclosed and securely mounted. 14. No truck maximum per person per class. 15. Pulling vehicles can enter multiple classes. A single chassis cannot register in one class more than once. Vehicle must meet all specific class rules. 16. All pullers entered to pull will help marshal the pull sled if they are physically able. 17. You may not tech your own vehicle or measure its distance in pulling.
MOTOR LEVELS AND RULES As you look through the rulebook you will see the following names used for motors. Please refer to these pages for definitions and clarifications of motor levels. Any variance of these rules will be listed in the definitions section of this rule book.
Stock: Are to be motors that are R/C motors with nonadjustable end bells. Re-buildable stock motors will have an identification mark on the can and armature. These marks will be the name or the manufacturer's name along with the number 27. You cannot tamper with, in any way, the timing adjustments, which include the use of cut brushes that will affect the timing. Ball bearings, external magnets, internal Cobalt or neodymium magnets are not permitted. You are allowed to machine the commutator with a comm. stick or a stock comm. lathe only. No opening of a motor with a staked end bell. You may disassemble re-buildable stock motor for maintenance. Other than machining the commutator you may not alter rebuildable motors. This includes swapping end bells, cans or armatures. You are allowed to change springs and brushes in the motor. The end bell must have a bushing. Sport Modified: (2) motors maximum which will be as follows: Motor type: HPI 1146 15t Firebolt, Arma AR390031 15T and Dynamite DYN1172 15t which are all sealed end bell motors. Motors must remain sealed with legible factory labels left in place on them. Modified: Are to be motors that are brushed or brushless R/C motors and can be of any size or price limit. This level motor may have an adjustable end bell. This level of motors are allowed to have adjustable timing, modified or cut brushes, and ball bearings. The commutator is allowed to be machined. The output shaft is allowed to be shortened and/or have a flat spot machined in it. Drilling holes in the end-bells is allowed in order to cool motor. The Astro flight Pullmaster I and Pullmaster IV are allowed in this level until further notice. Motors from Stock, and Sport Mod are allowed. Open II: any electric motor of any size or dollar amount. 540 Can Motor: Listed by manufacturer as a 540 Motor with a measured maximum diameter of 36.02 mm (1.42”) and a maximum can length of 53.00 mm (2.09”). BATTERY RULES All classes may use NiCad or NiMh cells. Lipo batteries are allowed in accordance to the Lipo Battery Rules listed below. Factory built batteries will be encased in the original factory wrapper with the label attached. Batteries wrapped in clear shrink-wrap or clear tape are not allowed. No added opaque tape or shrink wrap allowed. Batteries will be readily available R/C type. Individual class limits will be listed in that class section of this rulebook. Any battery chemistry is allowed in the Insane Pulling class LIPO BATTERY RULES Lithium Polymer (Lipo) batteries are allowed in all pulling classes. Specific Lipo battery limitations will be outlined in pulling class rules. Lipo batteries must be protected from puncture from all directions. Examples of accepted materials at Lexan, aluminum, carbon fiber or the chassis itself. Hard cased Lipo batteries require no additional protection. No other form of protections will be allowed. PULLING TRACK LAYOUT GUIDE Track total length is 40 ft with a 5 ft pull back area and a 5 ft runoff area. Pulling distance is 30 ft. Track width is 4 ft. PULLING GENERAL RULES 1a. The first puller, on dirt, in round one only, in every class can decline the pull. 1b. Every puller has the option to restart his/her pull if he/she stops before the front of the sled reaches the 10-foot default line in round 1 only, one extra pass only. If this option is taken you must re-hook immediately you may adjust your vehicle. 1c. You will be allowed two minutes to start your pull once the Track Official calls you to the track. The exception to the two minute limit is if the participant is required at another track. 1d. If your vehicle does not make it off the line, you will have the opportunity to make vehicle adjustments on or off the track. When pre-tech is used, if you make any changes to the vehicle, the vehicle must have re-inspection by tech officials before second attempt is made. If vehicle leaves the track surface for repairs, you will be rotated down in the field and if you are the last puller you will have five minutes to return or you will be disqualified for that round. The repair procedure will be announced at the drivers meeting. 1e. Once the sled weight is set it must remain until the pull-offs. 2 The order of pullers in each class may be determined by the order of registration. Random drawing at the event is preferred. This is up to the host club or Event Director. 3. Start and finish of each pull shall be determined by an official starter using an audible or visual signal such as a whistle, flags, and lights. The type of signal will be announced at the drivers meeting. 4. All sleds are to be chain drive except for the Digger class may use a string drive sled. Sleds are not allowed to lock up before the finish like. The pull chain will be 8” long and attached to the center of the skid plate no higher than ¾” above the track surface. The length of the pull chain is measured from the skid plate to the inside of the hook. No twisting of the chain is permitted. All sleds used for fuel propelled vehicles shall have a second chain or strap firmly attached to hook to vehicles using a tether or kill switch. Distance pulled will be considered the distance the sled is pulled down the track. All sleds will have and indelible mark in which to measure to. The mark will be on the center of the front of the skid plate. This point will be known as the “zero” point. The front of the sleds skid plate is “front” of the measurement point. The distance can be measured using the front of the skid plate or may be measured using two points in which to measure. For example the distance can be measured using the back of the sled as long as the zero point is known when the front of the skid plate is on the starting line. Or when using the laser system when measuring. 5. If the pulling sled malfunctions at any time during a pull, that pull will be null and void. The participant will be allowed to recharge the batteries and re-pull at a time determined by the track officials. Sled malfunctions will only be determined by the track officials. 6. If any item falls off of the vehicle, the vehicle flips over backwards or sideways, the vehicle will be stopped at that point. If a part falls off the vehicle or the overhead smoke system falls off during the run that run is a DQ. 7. The vehicle will be disqualified if any part of the vehicle touches the out of bounds marks (or wall) before the full pull mark (30 ft). Out of bounds is only measured to the full pull mark (30 ft). There is no DQ for any vehicle that has passed the 30’ mark and touches. The sled does not count. 8. Intentional jerking of the pulling sled will disqualify the vehicle for that round. Intentional jerking will be determined by the Head Track Official. 9. The only person allowed in the track area once the vehicle has started its pull shall be the driver and Track Official. No assistance is permitted, either verbally or through hand signals in the direction of the vehicle. Pit crew will be allowed to assist with the vehicle in the hooking, unhooking, turning on, turning off, and adjustments only. This shall include helping the driver prepare the vehicle to make its run especially in the larger classes, which are more dangerous. The Pit Crew must leave the track prior to the pull starting. Any violation will result in a disqualification of the vehicle for that round. Violations will be determined by the Track Official. Participants with disabilities and children under ten will be an exception to this rule. 10. Fuel for gasoline vehicles may be any octane. The gasoline may not contain any additives other than the two cycle engine oil. All of the fuel shall be contained within the fuel system.
Series Points: Points will be awarded each event as described below:
1st: 100 11th: 80 21st: 60 2nd: 98 12th: 78 22nd: 58 3rd: 96 13th: 76 23rd: 56 4th: 94 14th: 74 24th: 54 5th: 92 15th: 72 25th: 52 6th: 90 16th: 70 26th and below: 50 7th: 88 17th: 68 8th: 86 18th: 66 9th: 84 19th: 64 10th: 82 20th: 62 If 8 events are held 2 drops; 5-7 events 1 drop; less than 5 no drops.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 2s lipo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: Must be in stock configuration. Parts may be missing. Holes may be drilled for body mounts only. All unused non-factory holes must be filled with epoxy so as to maintain factory weight. Aluminum hubs are allowed. Tires: Rear tires are to be a maximum 3 ½” diameter, and a maximum of 2” wide. . The minimum front tire size is 1 3/8” Weight: Maximum weight is 3 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle width is 9 inches. Wheelbase: Wheel base is 8 inches and stock for this vehicle. Hitch: Hitch is the wheelie bar. Rollers may be added for horizontal adjustment. The aluminum bar may be replaced with a plastic bar. Body: Factory replacement body or any 1/12 scale body. The body is to be the furthest item forward. Other: The spur gear shall be no larger than a 64 tooth 32 pitch. The pinion gear shall be no smaller than a 6 tooth 32 pitch.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor Battery: 2S LiPo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: May be factory production or scratch built. Tires: Maximum rear tire diameter is 4 inches. Maximum rear tire width is 2 ¾ inches. Minimum front tire diameter of 1 inch. Rear tires must have “V” bar tread pattern. TLT tires are acceptable. Weight: 4 lbs maximum. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length of 12 inches. Length is measured from the rearmost part of the hitch to the furthest point forward. Wheelbase: Maximum of 9 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 4 inches. Body: Will have the appearance of a scale stock or modified garden tractor. Wheelie Bar: Vehicle may have wheelie bars. The wheelie bars may not extend more than 2 inches past the rearmost portion of the hitch. Wheels may be replaced with skid pads. Other: A maximum of one gear drop. This is the drop from the motor pinion to the rear axle spur gear.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 2s Lipo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: Any factory production 2WD R/C vehicle is allowed (factory production R/C pulling vehicles are not permitted) No pinion gear or other gear changes allowed. No additional gears or gearboxes are permitted. No modification of gear cases are permitted. Bearings are allowed (vehicle only) Suspension must remain original for that vehicle and cannot be locked. Differentials must be original for that vehicle and can not be locked. No “aftermarket differentials” will be permitted. Tires: Tires must be original size for that vehicle. Any tread type will be permitted. Tires may not be cut. Dual wheels are not permitted. Tire chains, added spikes, pins, etc. are not permitted. Body: Any scale appearing body is allowed. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 6 lbs. All counterweights must be under body. Hitch: 2 inch Maximum hitch height. The hitch must be mounted in such a way as not to permit any movement. Adjustable hitches are allowed but must be locked when pulling Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length of 19 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 13 inches. Dimensions include all parts, body hitch, etc. of the pulling vehicle. Length and width must be stock for that vehicle.
Motor: single 540 Can, refer to motor section. Battery: 2S LiPo; Max: 5,000 MAH; Max 100c Chassis: May be scratch built or a combination of kit components. May be built with any of the following: Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, or plastic. Tires: Maximum tire dia. 4.5 inches. Maximum tire width 2.75 inches. Must be agricultural bar tread. tires may be cut. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 7 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum length is 19 inches. Maximum width is 9 inches. The furthest point forward from the centerline of rear axle shall be no further than 15 inches. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase of 11 ½ inches. Hitch: 2 .5 inch maximum hitch height. Body: Must use a truck, van or car body only. All components must be under the body. Front tires must be in wheel opening. “Rear Tires can protrude 1” on either side of the body, but must stay within the 9” width.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 2S LiPo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Battery shall be placed in a fashion so that it can not be seen from either side, front, rear or top of the tractor. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: Rear tires are to be a maximum of 7 inches. The MaximuM tread width is 4 ½ inches. Must be agricultural single “V” type bar tire. Stock E-maxx tires are allowed. Tires are allowed to be cut. Weight: Maximum tractor weight is 10 lbs. Any visible weight must be scale suitcase weights. These weights are allowed to stick out past the body within the maximum tractor width. Dimensions: Maximum over all length is 19 inches. Maximum tractor width is 14 inches. Maximum tractor length is 18 ¾ inches. The wheelie bars may be ¼ inch past the rearmost part of the tractor. The furthest point forward shall be no further than 15 ½ inches from the center of rear axle. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 11 ½ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 2 inches. Body: Must be a 1/10 scale Pro-stock or Super-stock Farm tractor body. Any make, model and year are allowed. Tractor may be built to resemble a four wheel drive tractor but must remain two wheel drive. Tractor must have fenders of some type. It is suggested, not required that the tractor should smoke, have a driver and a transmission blanket for realism. Front axle: Front axle may be tricycle type with single or double tires. Front axle may also be a solid or pivoting type axle. Other: Wheelie bars are suggested but not required. If wheelie bars are used, the wheels maybe removed and/or replaced with skid pads.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 3 S LiPo or any battery 11.1 nominal volts maximum Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or a combination of kit components. 2WD only. Tires: Rear tires are to be a maximum of 7 inches in diameter. The maximum tread width is 4 ½ inches. Must be agricultural single “V” type bar tire. Weight: Maximum tractor weight is 12 lbs. Any visible weight must be scale suitcase weights. These weights are allowed to stick out past the body within the maximum tractor width. Dimensions: Maximum overall length is 19 1/2 inches. Maximum tractor width is 14 inches. The furthest point forward shall be no further than 15 ½ inches from the center of the rear axle. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 11 ½ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height will be 3”. Body: Must be a Pro-Stock or Super-Stock farm tractor body. Any make, model and year are allowed. Tractor may be built to resemble a 4 wheel drive tractor but must remain 2 wheel drive. The tractor must have fenders of some type. Body can be slightly smaller or larger than true 1/10 scale, this will allow for a wider variety of tractors to be used. Size must look appropriate for wheelbase.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 2S LiPo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: May be scratch built or a combination of kit components. May be built with any of the following; Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, or plastic. Tires: Rear tires are to be a maximum diameter of 7 inches with a minimum diameter of 3 inches. The maximum width for the rear tires is 4 ½ inches. Rubber bar agricultural tires only. Tires may be cut. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 24 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 16 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 4 inches
Motor: Maximum of one Modified Motor. Battery: 3S LiPo or any battery 11.1 nominal voltage maximum Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: Maximum rear tire diameter is 5 ½ inches. Maximum rear tire width is 3 ¼ inches. Minimum front tire diameter is 2 inches. Must be a bar tread tire. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 18 inches. This is to be measured from the center of the axle to the most forward part of the vehicle. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 12 ½ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 4 inches. Body: Must use a truck, van or car body only.
Motor: Limit of one Modified motor Battery: 2S LiPo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: May be scratch built or a combination of kit components. May be built with any of the following: Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, or plastic. Tires: All tires must be 1/10th scale. All drive tires must be of the same size and type. 4 inch maximum tire dia. And a maximum of 3 inches tread width. Dual dot style tires are allowed. Tread width of both dot style tires can not exceed 3 inch tread width. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 7 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 20 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 11 inches. Wheelbase: No limit on the overall wheelbase except within the vehicle dimensions and body limitations. The rear axles are to be maximum of 4 ½ inches apart, center of axle to center of axle. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 4 inches. Body: Must be an 18-wheeler body. Tires must be located in the factory wheel openings. All components must be under the body. Rear tires do not have to be covered by body or fenders. Other: This class is to be tandem axle four-wheel drive. The front axle must be fixed. No hinged or pivoting axles. The front axle is not to be driven.
Motor: Limit one Modified Motor Battery: 3S 11.1 volts Lipo Max Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or a combination of kit components Tires: (1) TLT or RC4WD “Cepek” only Tires may be cut Maximum of six (6) tires. (2) DOT street style tread tires, 4.19 dia maximum, tread width of both tires not to exceed 3”. Must be mounted on a 1.9 or smaller wheel. No agricultural bar tread tires. Tires cannot be sharpened clipped or modified. Must have 8 drive tires. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. No weights can be mounted in front of the bumper. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 24 inches to be measured to the rear most part of the hitch to the front bumper. Maximum vehicle width is 10 inches overall length not to exceed 26 inches. Wheelbase: No limit on the overall wheelbase except within the vehicle dimensions and body limitations. The rear axles are to be a maximum of 4 1/2 inches apart, center to center to center of the axles. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 3.5 inches Body: Any scale appearing big rig body is allowed but no larger than 1/10th scale. Other: This class will be any drive type. Examples of the drive types are: chain drive, direct shaft, drive shaft, gear and belt drive No rear steer axles allowed or front wheel drive allowed all drive wheels must be at the rear of the truck.
Motor: Brushed or brushless motor Chassis: Any 1/10th scale 4WD crawler/scaler kit Battery: 2s lipo Weight: 8lbs max Hitch: Hitch is at the frame rails or below. Suspension: Must have working suspension on all four corners. Tires: Tires must be street or trail type tires, no v tread tractor tires. Other: All weights must be under the body.
Motor: Limit one Modified motor Battery: 2S LiPo or any battery 8.4 nominal volts maximum Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: Maximum tire diameter is 4 ½ inches. Maximum tire width is 2 ¾ inches. Tires may be cut. Maximum of four tires. Must be a agricultural bar tire and it can be cut or sharpened. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 24 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 11 ½ inches. The furthest point forward from the centerline of rear axle shall be no further than 20 inches. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 11 ¾ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 2 .5 inches. Body: Any scale appearing body is allowed. Wheels must be fit in the body wheel openings. Other: This class will be any drive type trucks. Straight direct shafts allowed. Examples of the drive types are; chain drive, direct shaft, and belt drive.
Motor: Maximum of one electric motor. Battery: 7.4 nominal volts maximum. Batteries must be concealed. Chassis: Chassis may be any FACTORY PRODUCTION automotive style, ladder frame chassis (aluminum, steel or plastic) Custom manufacturer’s chassis’ prohibited. Suspension: FACTORY PRODUCTION style front and rear suspension required (leaf spring, coil spring or torsion type) rear axle can be locked or rigidly mounted. Front shocks must be mounted to the front axle in the stock location. Transmission: Any FACTORY PRODUCTION transmission permitted. No Homemade transmissions. Axles: Any scale appearing solid drive axles. Tires Any street tread DOT style tire permitted, not to exceed 4.19 inches in diameter and 1.62 inches in tread width. Must be mounted on a 1.9 inch diameter or smaller wheel. Dual wheels are permitted on the rear only. No “V” tread agricultural type tires. Tires cannot be sharpened, clipped or modified. Manufacturers listed dimensions are considered acceptable. Weight: Maximum Truck weight is 8.5lbs. Any visible weight must be scale appearing. Dimensions: Maximum overall vehicle length is 22 inches. Maximum width is 12.5 inches. Front weights or weight box not to exceed 5 1/2 inches from the center line of the front axle to the furthest point forward. Wheelbase Maximum wheelbase is 12 1/2 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 2 1/2 inches. Rear edge of hitch hole is to be no less than 2 1/2 inches from the center line of the rear axle. Body: Any scale appearing pick-up truck style body.
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Battery: 3s LiPo. Chassis: Can be factory production or a scratch-built unit. Any gearbox or combination of gear reduction units can be used. Tires: Maximum tire diameter is 4 ½ inches. Maximum tire width is 2 ¾ inches. Tires may be cut. Maximum of four tires. Must be an agricultural bar. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 12 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum length will be 24 inches, measured from the rear of the hitch to the most forward part of the truck. Maximum wheel base will be 13 ½ inches. Maximum width 12 1/2". Maximum distance for hanging weight will be 6 inches from center line of front axle forward. No part of the truck will be any further ahead. Hitch: Maximum hitch height will be 2.5 inches. Truck must balance on its own. Hitches will be measured with no assistance to hold rear down. Body: Must be a 1/10 or 1/8 scale truck or van body. No tractors allowed. Wheels must fit in opening Scale appearing as close as possible is preferred.
Motor: One Traxxas brand 2.5 or 3.3 nitro engine only. Chassis: Can be factory production or a scratch built unit any gearbox or combination of gear reduction units can be used. 2WD only. Tires: Front tired minimum size will be 2” in diameter Rear drive tires can be maximum of 7” diameter and maximum of 3.4” in width. Weight: Maximum tractor weight is 8lbs. Any visible weight must be scale suitcase weights. These weights are allowed to stick out past the body within the maximum tractor width. Dimensions: Maximum overall length will be 19 1/2”. Maximum wheelbase will be 11 ½”. To be no more than 15 ½” from the centerline of the rear axle to the furthest point forward. Maximum width will be 12”. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 11 ½ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height will be 3”. Body: Body must resemble a full size pro-stock or super stock tractor. Body can be slightly smaller or larger than true 1/10 scale, this will allow a wider variety of tractors to be used.
Power Plant: Maximum of .15 cubic inch nitro engine. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: Maximum rear tire diameter is 5 ½ inches. Maximum rear tire width is 3 ¼ inches. Minimum front tire diameter is 2 inches. Rear tires must be bar type. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 18 inches. This is to be measured from the center of the axle to the most forward part of the vehicle. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 12 ½ inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 4 inches. Body: Must use a truck, van or car body only.
Power Plant: One two stroke nitro engine with a maximum displacement of .30 cubic inches. Engine is to be mounted in the front 50% of vehicle. Must have a store bought tuned exhaust pipe. No straight pipes are allowed. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or a combination of kit components. Tires: Rear tires are to be Tamiya “Wild Willies, Lunchbox, or Midnight Pumpkin” type tires only. Tires may be cut. Steer tires are to be a minimum of 1 3/8 inch in diameter. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 15 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 18 inches from the center of the rear axle to the furthest point forward. Maximum width is 9 5/8 inches. Wheelbase: Wheelbase must fit under body. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 4 inches. The hitch hole is to be located no closer than 1.8 inch behind the rear axle as measured from the center of the axle to the rear of the hitch hole. Vertical holes that require the sled hood to be hooked horizontally are not permitted. Body: Any scale appearing body is allowed.
Powerplant: Maximum of one Traxxas brand 2.5 or 3.3 nitro engine. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. No gearbox limitations. Shifting gear boxes are allowed. Tires: Maximum tire diameter is 4 inches. Maximum tire width is 2 ¾ inches. Maximum of four tires. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 10 lbs. Dimensions: The furthest point forward from the centerline of the front axle shall be no further than 6 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 12 ½ inches. The furthest point forward shall be no further than 19 ½ inches from the center of the rear axle. Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 13 1/2 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 2 1/2 inches. Body: Any scale appearing body is allowed. Wheels must fit in the body wheel openings. Other: This is the same truck as the STPA changes
Motor: No motor or engine restrictions. May use Gas, Nitro, or Electric power plant. Must be safe. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: 7” Maximum diameter 4 1/2” Maximum width Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 15 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 20 inches. Maximum vehicle width is 12 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 4 inches. Body: Must resemble some kind of full scale pulling vehicle. For any unusual vehicles it is recommended that participant have a photo of the full scale puller. Safety: Must have shielding to contain flying parts. The body may be considered to be the shielding. Fuel vehicles must have a hitching point for a safety tether or kill switch. The hitch point must be just above the pulling hitch if using a safety tether. Vehicle may be started off track and carried to the track (not to be started in your personal pit area but rather using the available smoke system Recommended: Vehicle should be hooked to the sled, an anchor point or set in on cradle before starting. If the vehicle is Nitro or Gasoline operated Exhaust: Gas or Nitro vehicles are required to adapt to an exhaust elimination system. The current system adapts best to exhaust exiting from the top of the vehicle.
Body: Must resemble a NTPA Mini Modified Motor: No motor or engine restriction. May use gas, nitro or electric motor. Chassis: Chassis may be scratch built or combination of kit components. Tires: Rear tires are to be a maximum of 4.5 inches in diameter. The maximum tread width is 2 ¾ inches. (pumpkin size) Weight: Maximum vehicle weight is 6 lbs. Dimensions: Maximum vehicle length is 12 1/2 inches and Includes all parts of the vehicle except wheelie bars. Maximum vehicle width is 8 1/2 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height is 3 inches.
Electric/NITRO/Big Block Note: This class is an OutLaw Lane sponsored class and will not be found in the NRCTPA rule book Motor: Limit two brushed motors, one brushless motor or 1ea max 3.3 Nitro max Battery: 2S Lipo max Chassis: Must be original for that vehicle. Upgrades are ok but no cutting of the original chassis is allowed. Tires: Open Tire. All four tires must be of the same size. Max size of tire allowed is 6 ¾” x 3 ½”. Cutting of tires is not allowed. Stuffing of tires is allowed. No dual tires. Weight: Maximum vehicle weight: Electric = 15lbs Nitro = 12lbs Big Block = 15lbs All weights must be securely fastened to prevent weights from falling off vehicle and being thrown by vehicle tires. Max means you don’t have to reach that weight in order to pull but can add weight up to that max weight. You can pull at any weight within and up to max weight. Scale appearance weights are encouraged but not required for this class. General rule # 8 is applicable for this class. Length: The furthest point forward from the centerline of the front axle shall be no further than 7.5 inches. Wheelbase: Must be original for that vehicle. Width: Maximum vehicle width is 18 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 4 inches. Hooking to bumpers is not allowed. Max means you can have your hitch height 1/8 inch up to 4 inches from the ground. (See hitches in definitions and clarifications for rules on how hitch height is measured) Body: Any scale appearing body is allowed. This class is for stock type trucks who wants to pull. Electric, Nitro and Big Block will be separated into their own classes. Electric will be separated if enough brush or brushless vehicles are entered.
Modified Slash
Motor: Maximum of one Modified motor. Maximum motor diameter 40mm (1.57”). Battery: 2S LiPo, 6,000MAH Maximum, 120C Maximum Discharge Rating. Weight: 7lbs, no exposed weight. Chassis: Stock 2wd Slash or LCG Slash only, Traxxas model numbers; 5832, 5832A, 5832G, 5822, 5822A. --Front and Rear A-Arms, Direct 2wd Slash or Bandit parts. --All other chassis parts must be stock or direct replacement 2WD Slash parts or aluminum replacement parts. --Suspension may be locked. --No 4WD Slash conversion to 2WD allowed. --No Wheelie Bars Gearbox: Must be stock or direct replacement. No reversed or mid-mount. Slipper may be locked or removed. Must use a 90-tooth spur and 23 tooth pinion. Tires: Maximum rear tire diameter of 4.5 inches. Maximum tire width 2.75 inches. Tires may be cut, Agricultural Bar Tires only. Dimensions: Overall Maximum dimensions 25.5” length, 14” Wide. Wheelbase must be between 12.5 and 13.5 inches. Hitch: Maximum hitch height of 3”. Hitch must be mounted at rear of transmission behind motor. Body: Any scale appearing body.
DEFINITIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 2WD: Shall constitute one rear drive axle with 2 wheels only. 4WD: Shall constitute two drive axles; one rear drive axle with two wheels and one front steer drive axle with two wheels. On pulling vehicles the front and rear tires will be no more than 1 inch difference in diameter. 4WD vehicles will be true 4WD vehicles. The Big Rig class is the only class allowed to use tandem drive axles. Battery: In general shall refer to the device used to store electricity to store electricity in order to supply the vehicles motor. Body: Shall be the shell that gives the vehicle its shape and allows it to resemble a full size car, truck, or tractor. Chassis: Frame of the vehicle not including suspension, steering, body or gearbox. Dual wheel: More than one tire on one rim or a combination of more than 1 tire with one rim on each side of an axle. No dual wheels are permitted. Foam tires may be glued together to make 1 tire on 1 rim and shall not be considered dual wheel. ESC: Electronic Speed Control Factory production: Any R/C product manufactured by a recognized R/C supplier in quantities of no less than 100 units per year. Bodies are not required to be “factory production” as long as they are realistic. Please refer to motor rules for specifics on them. Factory production vehicle: Any factory production vehicle kit originally manufactured for use other than pulling vehicle. For example a Tamiya Clod buster or a HPI Wheelie King are “Factory Production Vehicle”. Front axle: The device mounted at the front of the vehicle in order to provide a means for steering. The axle will be mounted so that the wheels line up with the wheel openings in the body. Exceptions will be made for “Factory Production Vehicles”. The tires on hinged or floating front axles are not allowed to contact the track surface if the vehicle's front end lifts ¾ of an inch or more. Front wheel openings: The open place that allows the front wheels to have clearance to move when turned to the right or left. The wheel openings will be located behind the front most part of the body. Front wheels are not allowed to extend more than one inch on either side of the body. Exceptions are made for 4WD vehicles, Factory Production Vehicles that must run the original suspension, and replicas of full size vehicles. Gearbox: The unit consisting of the gears, belts, chains, case and/or mounting brackets. The gearbox is the means for transmitting the power from the motor to the wheels. An additional gearbox refers to a second gearbox that is attached to the main gearbox. Hitch: The apparatus used to hook the pulling sled to the vehicle. The hitch shall incorporate a 5/16 inch hole for the sled hook and will be no more than ½ inch from the rearmost end of the hitch drawbar. The hole must be located behind the axle. The sled chain will have a clear path to the hole with no interference from the vehicle. The hitch is to be fashioned from a strong and rigid material. All hitches will be rigidly mounted. The hitch must be mounted in such a way to not allow any movement longitudinally, vertically, or horizontally. Adjustable hitches are permitted but must be locked in position when pulling. Unless otherwise noted in the class rule the maximum hitch height is 4”. The following will also apply to the 2” maximum hitch height classes. The hitch is measured by placing the vehicle on the tech table, without any downward pressure during inspection. Horizontal hitches will be measured to the top of the hitch. Vertical hitches will be measured to the top of the hole. Any hitch with multiple holes will have the holes above the maximum covered with tape. Intentional jerking: The act of deliberately manipulating the controls of the vehicle in a way to advance the sleds position in an erratic manner. MSRP: Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. Maximum: Means you cannot exceed the specific measurement annotated but you can operate anywhere within the measurement specified as long as you don’t exceed the maximum specified measurement. Maximum motor size: The total outside length and diameter of the motor not including the output shaft. Measuring device: All measurements are to be made with a normal ruler. Micrometers and the like are not to be used for tech. Monster truck: A vehicle with oversized tires designed to go over large obstacles at a fast pace. Original: As manufactured and unmodified. Production Pulling Vehicle: Any vehicle manufactured specifically for pulling. This may be “factory production” or scratch built. R/C: Radio controlled. R/C Motor: A motor that is designed and built for the R/C industry. Readily available: Available off the shelf from hobby shops, distributors, or from retail mail order outlets. Special order or custom made items are not considered to be “readily available”. Scale appearance: Having the scaled down look of a full size vehicle or part. Sled: The device used to create a drag on the pulling vehicle in which to stop the vehicle. Stock: Factory original for that vehicle or piece of equipment. Traction compound: Anything that is foreign to that tire. Any substance that was not made for put on, or into the tire at time of manufacture. Tire glues are allowed to mount tires to rims or to glue two tires together in order to make a wider tire. Tread width: The width of the tread only. This does not include the sidewalls. Wheel: An assembly consisting of one tire and one rim. Wheelie bar: A device mounted to the rear of the vehicle to prevent the vehicle from flipping over backwards once the vehicles front tires loose contact with the pulling surface. This device is made up of a single or pair of bars with one or two wheels mounted on the bars. Wheelie bars are permitted in all classes. They may not extend past the legal length of the vehicle and may not interfere with the operation of the pulling sled in any way. Skid plates are not permitted. In the dirt classes skid pads may replace the wheels on wheelie bars for scale appearance. Flexible straps for static grounding are only permitted to touch the pulling surface. Wheelie bars are not to be used to rock the vehicle back and forth. This would be considered intentional jerking.